my kids LOVE to take baths. and i love for them to take baths! emma and ella can be happy in the bath for hours. i often run new water because the original water gets cold. and now drew gets to bathe with them too and join in the fun. he sits in a little chair so he can't slip and fall over.
first bubble bath for drew - he of course wanted to eat the bubbles. and he didn't mind the taste! then i showed the girls how to carefully put bubbles on his head to make him look funny. the girls don't love bubbles, but i tell them that if they have bubbles they won't have to wash. always works!
ella trying to feed drew before bed. didn't work very well, but she was happy she got to try! drew is a wonderful baby, but he is not a very good eater!
brushing teeth! emma usually does great with teeth-brushing, but ella fights every night about brushing her teeth! we try to scare her that if she doesn't brush her teeth she will get owies in her mouth and will have to get shots, but that only helps a little bit.